This all came about because I needed to get Arizona and New Mexico checked off of the biking states list.  The net result of this was ending up in Las Vegas in July on a motorcycle (which I can not advise).
Day 1 was a short 400 mile hop across Kansas.

Day 1 – Kansas

Day 2 was a little more interesting

Day 2

I started off in the High Plains of Kansas (flat)

Flat Lander

Oklahoma has horrible roads (good thing I had a GS).
In Contrast New Mexico had great roads but silly low speed limits

New Mexico

New Mexico did have some wonderful sights and allowed me to complete the Santa Fe Trail, but what I liked the most about it was their since of humor:

New Mexico -Bathroom
Quantum based winds
Random Indian, Cave and Route 66 all in one place
Arizona crossing

I took me a while to find the Arizona Sign, and when I did a person in a golf cart ran me off (but I still got the picture).
The trick is to nod your head in agreement and say “yes” in a foreign language while continuing to do what you want.

Arizona did offer me a new experience that I did not even know was possible.  in the middle of the desert in the middle of the summer a storm came from now where and pounded me with rain for a solid 30 minutes.  Then 150′ out of the rain (while still very wet) I got hit with a sand storm at full blast.

Day 3 – The Long HOT day

Day 3

It was so hot outside that I did not want to stop moving and only got this picture – I got to Vegas around 11:30am and it was already above 100 degrees.

Bathroom Sign #2

Day 4 (The Return home),

Day 4

Heading north and into the mountains for two things:

A) Higher altitude for cooler temperatures
B) Better looking stuff / interesting roads

Cool bluff looking thing
Spotted Wolf Canyon
57 degrees

My plant to go into the mountains worked a little too well.  the roads around Vail and the west side of Denver are a lot of fun.
Also it went from 104 in Nevada to 57 in Colorado.
Nothing like a 47 degree temperature swing in one day to get your attention.  Also I didn’t want to put up with Denver traffic first thing in the morning so I pushed through that night to Limon.  From Vegas to Limon is about 840 miles (or twice the distance of day one).

Day 5 (The last day)

Day 5

I have done this part sooo many times that its not all that interesting.  The only interesting thing is Monument Rocks and I did that last year in the “The trip to Seattle 2016” post

All of this work – just to turn the map a little bit more blue.
Also to go strange places and meet new people.

New Bike State maps for July 2017


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